Victoria Day!

We will be closed Monday, May 20th. We will resume regular business hours Tuesday, May 21st.
Have a great long weekend and be safe

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As part of our commitment to providing the best possible care and service, Main Street Health has moved to a new facility:

150 Main Street West

Hamilton, Ontario

L8P 1H8

Entrance from Caroline Street

This relocation will allow us to enhance our services and provide a more comfortable environment for your healthcare needs. Our contact Information will remain unchanged.

We understand that transitions like these can raise questions, and we want to assure you that our primary focus is on ensuring a seamless experience for our valued patients. We will do everything possible to minimize any disruption during this process.

Thank you for your continued trust in Main Street Health, We look forward to welcoming you to our new location and continuing to serve you with the highest quality of care.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 905 524 3709 or

Best regards,

Main Street Health

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We are excited to share some important news with you.

As part of our commitment to providing the best possible care and service, Main Street Health will be relocating to a new, improved facility. The move is scheduled to take place on December 18, 2023 our new address will be:

150 Main Street West

Hamilton, Ontario

L8P 1H8

Entrance from Caroline Street

This relocation will allow us to enhance our services and provide a more comfortable environment for your healthcare needs. Our contact Information will remain unchanged.

We understand that transitions like these can raise questions, and we want to assure you that our primary focus is on ensuring a seamless experience for our valued patients. We will do everything possible to minimize any disruption during this process.

Thank you for your continued trust in Main Street Health, We look forward to welcoming you to our new location and continuing to serve you with the highest quality of care.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 905 524 3709 or

Best regards,

Main Street Health

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Unlocking Well-Being: The Hidden Advantages of Consistent Physiotherapy, Even in Peak Health

We often associate a visit to the physiotherapist with injury or chronic pain management. However, what many people don’t realize is that regular maintenance visits to a physiotherapist can be incredibly beneficial, even when you’re feeling better. These visits go beyond just addressing pain; they can help you maintain and improve your overall physical well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore the advantages of seeing a physiotherapist on maintenance visits, even when you’re not in pain anymore.

Preventive Care

Just as you visit your dentist for regular check-ups to maintain good oral health, seeing a physiotherapist for maintenance visits can be thought of as preventive care for your body. These visits allow the physiotherapist to identify and address minor issues before they become major problems. By doing so, you can prevent injuries, maintain good posture, and enhance your overall physical health. Preventive care can save you from future pain and discomfort.

Improved Mobility

Maintenance visits to a physiotherapist can help improve your mobility and range of motion. Even when you’re not in pain, your body may not be functioning at its optimal level. Physiotherapists can assess your flexibility, joint function, and muscle strength, and they can provide you with exercises and techniques to enhance your mobility. This is particularly beneficial for athletes or anyone looking to maintain an active lifestyle.

Customized Exercise Programs

Physiotherapists can create personalized exercise programs tailored to your specific needs and goals. These programs can help you maintain and even improve your physical condition. Regular maintenance visits allow your physiotherapist to track your progress, adjust your exercises, and ensure you’re following a program that suits your body’s unique requirements.

Postural Correction

Poor posture is a common issue in today’s world, often leading to various aches and pains. Physiotherapists can help you correct your posture by providing guidance and exercises to strengthen the muscles responsible for maintaining proper alignment. By addressing postural issues during maintenance visits, you can prevent discomfort and reduce the risk of more serious conditions.

Stress Reduction

Physical well-being and mental health are closely connected. Physiotherapy can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Techniques such as massage, manual therapy, and exercises designed to release tension can improve your overall sense of well-being. Maintenance visits can serve as a valuable opportunity to de-stress and rejuvenate both physically and mentally.

Better Quality of Life

By proactively maintaining your physical health through regular physiotherapy visits, you can enjoy a better quality of life. This approach allows you to stay active, enjoy your favorite activities, and live life to the fullest without being hindered by pain or mobility limitations.

Regular maintenance visits to a physiotherapist are not just for those in pain or recovering from injuries; they are essential for anyone looking to maintain and enhance their physical well-being. The preventive and proactive approach offered by physiotherapy can help you stay mobile, maintain proper posture, and enjoy a higher quality of life. So, even when you’re feeling better, consider making physiotherapy a part of your routine to ensure long-term health and well-being. Your body will thank you for it


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

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Trick or Treat! Physiotherapy tips for Halloween.

Participating in a trick-or-treat walk can be a fun and enjoyable activity for people of all ages. However, it’s essential to stay safe and comfortable during the walk, especially if you have any physical limitations or are recovering from an injury. Here are some physiotherapy tips for a trick-or-treat walk:


  • Wear Comfortable Shoes: Choose supportive and comfortable footwear with good arch support. This will help reduce the strain on your feet and lower limbs.


  • Use Mobility Aids: If you require mobility aids like crutches, a cane, or a walker, make sure they are in good condition and properly adjusted to your height and needs. Use them consistently to provide stability and reduce the risk of falls.


  • Warm Up: Perform gentle stretches and warm-up exercises before heading out to improve blood circulation and flexibility. Focus on the muscles and joints you’ll be using during the walk.


  • Plan Your Route: Choose a trick-or-treat route that is manageable for your fitness level and mobility. Avoid steep inclines or uneven terrain if possible.


  • Dress Appropriately: Dress for the weather, and consider wearing layers so you can adjust your clothing as needed. Make sure your costume and clothing are not too restrictive, allowing for comfortable movement.


  • Stay Hydrated: Bring a water bottle with you to stay hydrated, especially if you’ll be walking for an extended period.


  • Take Breaks: If necessary, plan for short breaks along your route to rest and alleviate any fatigue or discomfort.


  • Walk with a Buddy: Having a friend or family member accompany you can provide support and assistance if needed.


  • Carry a Bag with an Adjustable Strap: Use a bag with an adjustable strap to distribute weight evenly and avoid straining one side of your body. This will help reduce the risk of shoulder or back pain.


  • Use Proper Body Mechanics: Maintain good posture, engage your core, and use proper body mechanics while walking and bending to pick up candy or treats. This can help prevent back and joint strain.


  • Mind Your Balance: If you have balance issues, be cautious when navigating uneven surfaces or steps. Use handrails or ask for assistance if needed.


  • Be Mindful of Your Limits: Listen to your body and recognize when you’ve had enough. Don’t push yourself beyond your comfort or safety zone.


  • Apply Ice or Heat: If you experience discomfort or swelling after the walk, consider using ice or heat therapy as recommended by your physiotherapist to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.


  • Post-Walk Stretches: After the trick-or-treat walk, perform gentle stretching exercises to help relax and lengthen your muscles. Focus on the major muscle groups you used during the walk.


If you have specific health concerns or physical limitations, it’s a good idea to consult with a physiotherapist or healthcare professional before participating in a trick-or-treat walk or any physical activity to ensure it’s safe and suitable for your condition.

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