7 Myths About Your Massage Therapist

Just imagine, you’re away on a much-deserved vacation to a tropical island. You and your partner have been looking forward to a heavy dose of rest and relaxation. What’s the first thing that comes to mind for the ultimate stress reliever? A massage, right?

Now, think about another scenario. Continue reading

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10 Most Common Injuries At Work

Unless you work in explosives or other high-risk occupations, you probably don’t think much about workplace safety. Even if you’ve heard some statistics about on-the-job injuries, you likely assume something like that could never happen to you. You may be surprised to learn that, according to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) claims for lost time, thousands of workers are injured on the job every year in the Services sector alone. Overall, the Services, Health Care, Manufacturing, Transportation, and Construction sectors made up close to 84% of all lost time claims in 2014. So, what are the 10 most common injuries at work?
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