Tips for managing Your Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain (LBP) is the most common complaint of all musculoskeletal problems, affecting up to approximately 80% of people throughout their lifetime. Low back pain can vary from mild to severe. It can be short-lived or long-lasting. However it happens, low back pain can make many everyday activities difficult to do.

  1. Quit Smoking
  • Smoking can slow down and interfere with the healing of bones, skin and other body tissues. As a result, recovery from a back injury can be slower or less complete.
  1. Positions and Activities to Help Manage Your Pain
  • Pain with Sitting: If your back hurts with sitting make sure to stand up or walk around at least once every 20 minutes. Choose a seat with good lower back support, arm rests and a swivel base. Consider placing a rolled towel in the small of your back to maintain its normal curve. Keep your knees and hips level (90 degrees).

  • Pain with Standing or Walking: If your back hurts with standing or walking make sure you sit down, round your back or perform pelvic tilts as needed to help alleviate your symptoms. Additionally, avoid wearing high heels.


  1. Exercise Regularly – Get Active!
  • If your back hurts with sitting, bending and twisting….Regular low-impact aerobic activities such as walking (flat surface), aquafit and tai chi can increase your overall cardiovascular fitness while strengthening and increasing endurance in your back. This allows your muscles to function better.
  • If your back hurts with standing and walking….Regular low-impact aerobic activities such as cycling, swimming and tai chi can increase your overall cardiovascular fitness while strengthening and increasing endurance in your back. This allows your muscles to function better.
  • Regardless of what positions make your back hurt, core-strengthening exercises (abdominal and back exercises) such as planks, side planks, and bird dog exercises can help specifically condition your core muscles so that they work synergistically like a natural corset for your back.
  1. If your back is hurting, avoid lifting heavy objects or awkward objects. 
  • But if you must… let your legs do the work. Hold the weight close to your body and avoid lifting and twisting simultaneously. Ask for help if the object is heavy or awkward.
  1. Visit Dr. Tony Asaro and our Team at Main Street Health to confirm an accurate diagnosis, help determine a treatment regimen and get you back on track to eliminating your back pain and remaining active!


Dr. Asaro, Doctor of Chiropractic, who is on our Main Street Health team of health professionals, has 15 years of experience providing patient centric, quality chiropractic care with an emphasis on prevention, multidisciplinary rehabilitation and patient education.

A spine specialist, advanced practice practitioner for low back pain and sciatica working for a the hospital program at HHS with surgeons, pain specialists and family doctors through the Rapid Access Clinic for Low Back Pain.

He has extensive experience in working with patients with musculo-skeletal conditions and inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions and is highly trained at identifying the signs and symptoms of undiagnosed medical conditions

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